newdisk - create new xen guest filesystems, and the associated config files


newdisk - create new xen guest filesystems, and the associated config files


newdisk distro owner hostname kernel MAC

newdisk --list


This utility automates the process of adding guest slices. The script takes the first argument, distro, and looks it up in the table stored in filesystems.lst. If the tarball is not stored locally, it is downloaded, and filesystems.lst is updated.

A sparse disk file is created (for 1 GB), it is formatted as ext3, and the tarball is extracted. The hostname is set, a configuration file is written in /etc/xen/, and the guest.lst file is updated.

The slice is now ready for use.


newdisk --list will list the possible filesystems the script can install for you. It does not change anything in the system.

When creating a new slice, all fields are required.


To create an ubuntu slice for pkaeding, with the hostname poseidon, running the linux 2.6.9 kernel, with MAC address 00:00:6C:00:00:01, issue the following command:

        newdisk ubuntu pkaeding poseidon /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.9-xenU 00:00:6C:00:00:01

You may need to look at filesystems.lst to see what distros are possible, or look in /boot to see the possible kernels. In the future, there should be options to list the possible choices (and, maybe print them out if the user enters a bad choice).


filesystes.lst - The table matching distibution names to the locations of the tarball.

guest.lst - The table matching users to their slices


This script will retun 0 if everything went well, non-zero if something went wrong.


Written by Patrick Kaeding (pkaeding at ccs dot neu dot edu) for Crew (; based heavily on the newdisk utility written by Andrew Medico.


userxm(1), guest.lst(5), filesystems.lst(5)